Season 2, Episode 16: Giving Yourself Grace with Kate Bagoy

If you have any questions about the terms copyright, trademark, and patent, this tip of the day is for you!  I start by explaining the difference and in what situation you need any or all of these types of intellectual property.

Now, let’s talk about Kate Bagoy! After finding her “dream job,” it slowly became her personal nightmare.  After rage quitting and leaving $60k behind, she found herself unable to pay her rent.  This led her to get a master’s degree in business and marketing, and then she truly found her calling: working with entrepreneurs.

Lurk on our conversation as we discuss:

  • How Kate grows her current business working from the beach
  • Kate working as an introvert
  • How her spiritual awakening guided her to the nomadic way of life
  • Fast-tracking your business to generate revenue quickly
  • Changing your business as you grow

Where can you find Kate?

website –

Instagram – @kbagoy

Twitter – @Kbagoy

Tiktok – @Kbagoy

LinkedIn –

Honorable Mention

The 4-Hour Workweek  

Company of One