Season 1, Episode 9: Knowing Your Numbers Story with Chika Obih

It’s tax season y’all! So who better to have as a guest than Chika Obih, the self-proclaimed “tax nerd”! Chika is the owner of Obih Collective, Inc., a tax and accounting firm that services small businesses. She enjoys helping her clients save hundreds of thousands of dollars on taxes by educating them on dense tax topics and giving them practical ways to stay organized, proactive, and engaged with understanding the money side of their business. She enjoys motivating entrepreneurs in the online space and providing business and tax tips to those following her on social media and through her email newsletter. Working smart, not hard, is how Chika has been able to sustain her company for over a decade.

Her mission is to teach women entrepreneurs these same skills so they can know their numbers!

In this episode, you will learn:

Chika’s journey from the corporate world to owning her own business at 25 years old.

Transitioning from nutrition to numbers.

Chika’s passion for teaching small businesses how to save more money while doing their taxes.

Where you can find Chika:

Facebook Community: Business Life & Taxes for Women Entrepreneurs:

IG handle: @chikaobihcpa:

Grab your free guide:

7 Business Expenses You Thought Were Tax Deductible…But Actually Aren’t. This business-savvy guide will help you learn what business expenses may not equate to a tax write-off and provide clarity around your finances, so you don’t waste your time or your money.