Season 1, Episode 8: Finding Your Best Self Through Intuition with Sheila Masterton

Today, we lurk with Sheila Masterson, a woman who holds the monikers of business owner, Tarot reader, teacher that energizes, healing facilitator, psychic medium, and host of “The Living Tarot Podcast”. She has been reading people her whole life and hearing energy since she was a young child. She believes that everyone can connect deeply to their intuition and that tarot is an excellent tool for learning to trust yourself and learn to hear your own inner voice. She’s on a mission to break the old fortune-telling readings’ paradigm and instead strive to empower clients through collaborative sessions that help them connect with their own inner wisdom and help them move forward with confidence on aligned action steps.

In this episode, you will learn:

Going from the corporate world to owning a thriving Tarot business.

How intuition works vs. how people think it works.

Reading’s aren’t scary: How Sheila brings comfort, acceptance, and a no judgment zone into her space.

Where you can find Sheila:

Podcast –

Website –

IG handle:

Freebie- Tarot for Anxiety Spread.