Season 1, Episode 4: “I’m Right Where I Should Be” with Athenee Mastrangelo

Ep. 4: “I’m Right Where I Should Be” with Athenee Mastrangelo Athenee Mastrangelo is all about empowering female entrepreneurs by streamlining their workflow so that they can have a successful & profitable business while still having time to live the life they love.

Having a two-year-old and going through the process of a divorce, Athenee had a question to answer: Does she get a corporate job and put her son in daycare (which she didn’t want to do) or could she work from home.

While walking through Barnes and Noble, the universe answered her question in the form of a book: 101 Businesses to Start from Home. Seventeen years later, ya, she made the right choice.

In this episode you will learn:

How she learned to become her really real self in the online world

What she did when she lost all her clients because of Covid

Why her life’s mission is to empower women

Where can you Lurk on Athenee?



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