Client Spotlight – RJ Lewis, RJ Lewis Digital

Client Spotlight
Rahgna (RJ) Lewis, RJ Lewis Digital

The Burnley Law PLLC Client Spotlight goes to RJ Lewis of RJ Lewis Digital.

At RJ Lewis Digital, RJ helps established service-based businesses design business operations systems. Procedures backed by efficient processes and interconnected platforms that will support them in working the way they’re most comfortable working and help create residual income. RJ likes to think of a lot of their work as both “holding the mirror” and “portal to the future” because at the end of all of the days is this realization of comfort that they just help bring to the forefront by suggesting predictable and sustainable ways of working and interacting.
Q: What inspired you to start your own business? 
A: I’m actually a recovering web developer. I started the first iteration of this business as a web design studio in 2010. I had had my first child and was working as an Insurance Adjuster. We lived in Hawaii at the time and my one-way commute was 2-3 hours. I loved my work, but I was devastated to be missing such large chunks of my daughters newborn days. So I quit and went back to get my second bachelors in Multimedia Design and Communications and… hung out my shingle so-to-speak. I have been a contractor and now agency owner, ever since.
Q: If you had an extra $100,000 in your business, how would you use it?
A: I would invest in people. Fill in the key positions that I anticipate filling sooner rather than later. We would work on internal training and onboarding.
Q: Whats the biggest risk your business ever took? What could have happened? What was the outcome?
A: For ME the risk was when I started building my team. I wasn’t really sure and hadn’t done the work to ensure that I could support a team. I COULD have failed miserably, but I invested in people and it paid off. I was able to step more into a directional role – it was rocky but good. Now I’m a We. We are a small team and we work well together to build something for our clients.
Q: If your business were a book, song, or famous artwork, what would it be and why?
A: Level up by Ciara. The lyrics speak to me about the kind of results that we want to deliver and feeling that we want to invoke. “I just keep elevating, no losses, just upgrading My lessons, made blessings, I turned that into money Thank God I never settled, this view is so much better I’m chilling, I’m winning, like on another level”
Q: What are your biggest challenges as a business owner?
A: So far, the challenge that i’ve spent the most time training around has been people management and delegation. Letting go and stepping into oversight.
Q: If you could go back to the beginning knowing what you know now, what would you have done differently?
A: I would have believed in my skill, embraced my quirks and charged more.
Q: Which small businesses are you inspired by?
A: Karvel Digital – Kronda Adair is a content QUEEN. I’m inspired when I see my clients find their stride such as Maggie Bergin and Carrie Graham. I love to see marketing geniuses that forge their own paths such as Jenn Hart and Nayla Bahri. I love seeing brick and mortars that are creative with keeping their foothold such as RVAC and Kobi’s soul food.
Q: Tell us about a recent win that you would like to share! 
A: I brought in a new copywriter who is amazing and we recently had our first 20k+ month!
Contact RJ
– Instagram: @rjzbossaf
– Website: