Season 1, Episode 12: Bringing Mental Health Awareness to our Community with Stephanie Barbee

For the end of Season 1 episode, I could not think of anyone better to speak with than Stephanie Barbee! Stephanie is a mental health therapist and, by title, a clinical social worker. She is licensed with the LCSW. Stephanie is a therapist that provides a safe space; a place where you can bring all of your messy, unprocessed, what it means to be Black in American in 2020 to the couch. She helps you work it out with whatever it looks like and whatever it means to you. She is dedicated to bringing a Black mental health therapist professional into the lives of Black Americans who need help.

In this episode, you will learn:

How Stephanie is a multi-generational suicide survivor and how her experience helps with conducting the best practice she can;

How empowering it is for clinicians to look the same as their patients; and

Why people can benefit from mental health services and why it’s important to seek help earlier rather than later.

Where you can find Stephanie:


